Friday, June 29, 2012

America's Founding Purpose

May Jesus be exalted!

Yesterday was an infamous day for America.  SCOTUS upheld Obama's "Affordable Health Act"  as a tax, even though they found it unconstitutional in other ways.  In my opinion, the only chance for SCOTUS to redeem itself is when the other law-suits against the AHA for particular reasons, and the HHS Mandate specifically, come to their court, that they will uphold our God-given religious freedom which was the founding purpose of America.  Lord, help us!

Lord, please enlighten the minds of all Americans, and kindle in their hearts a desire for You.  I know this is asking a lot, but You are a big God; You glory in doing the impossible! :)  May Jesus be exalted.  May Your Holy Spirit keep us (Your Church) faithful to You, and give us the grace to shine Your Light.

Lord, we are frightened by the prospect of being oppressed and penalized for our faith.  Please give us courage.  Please raise up courageous leaders in each little community, so that the less courageous might have opportunity to follow and do what they know in their hearts is right: Your Will.

Holy Father, Loving Lord, I praise You for Your faithfulness to us.  Please give us the grace to glorify You!

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning
is now and ever shall be
world without end.

Come Lord Jesus!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Background bits to De Tocqueville's Democracy

I'm reading the Introduction (by Alan Ryan) to Alexis De Tocqueville's Democracy in America, and already I find I need to look up quite a few references to other works or contextual data.  For instance:

What is the gist of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy and how does that relate to De Tocqueville's work?

Who were Lamoignon De Malesherbes, Robespierre, Louis XVI, Louis-Phillippe, Napoleon III (there were 3), Charles X, Barrot, Abbe Lesueur, John Stuart Mill, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and what did each teach or stand for or do in relation w/ De Tocqueville?

When were each of France's Revolutions, what were they called, who lead them, who were they against, and what remains from each?

For a little squirt who just wanted to dip her toes into the pool, this is like jumping into the Atlantic and expecting to swim to Europe!  (It's not going to happen.)

So I will have to rely on the summaries of others and easily found sources, such as Wikipedia!  It won't be a great study, but it might be an adequate start.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Bound And Free

Monroe and Liberty are names of townships.  The road I grew up on is divided between these two; I lived in Liberty.  The road I live on now is divided between these two; I live now in Monroe.  It is always interesting to me to find elements of two (or of four) in my life.  In this case, there's also the element of M & L.  Yes, I know, it's terribly vain to find myself in so many things!!!  I suppose I do this because I'm always looking for how I belong, or for how I'm on the "right road."

However, for blogging purposes I use this title to focus my thoughts on Neighborhood, Community, and National identity in general, and my particular experiences of identity whether they be in relation to nation, community, neighborhood, or otherwise.  This title and blog-topic is also a (not so/) subtle reference to what binds us and what frees us.

It may not be the most direct route, but I will use a brief and informal study of the Monroe Doctrine to consider governmental elements that "bind" us.  Keep in mind, that which "binds" us can be positive or negative, good or bad.  My bias is that bonds which work in concert w/ liberty tend to be good, life-supporting; bonds which exercise only force tend to be evil.  If there are exceptions to this, I hope to discover them!

Obviously, everything written here is my opinion, and an unfolding one at that.